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In this section of the application you will be able to manage different aspects related to the selected organization. Please note that most of the actions can only be performed by an "Administration Owner".

Edit organization name

Click in "Edit organization"

Customize the logo in "Edit picture"

Subscribe and manage your subscription to KuFlow

From here you can subscribe to Premium plans and manage active subscriptions. Contact us and we will solve all your doubts.

Delete organization

Click on the "Edit organization" button to access a "Delete Organization" button that will allow us to execute the deletion.

Metadata Configuration

It is possible to define a customized form to collect information related to each user of the orgranization. It is at this point that this form is defined. Its definition is done in the same way as the forms defined to be used in KuFlow tasks.

The completion of the form can be done in two ways: The administrator users of the organization can fill in the information for each user from the "Users" section of the application. On the other hand, the rest of the users can only fill in their own information and can access the form by clicking on their name and accessing their profile.

The information contained in each user is accessible through our APIs. See the definition of our API Rest or the documentation of our SDKs. Similarly, in serverless processes, the information of the user task owner and process initiator is dynamically exposed in the serverless model so that it can be used in its definition.

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