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Tasks definitions

So that the different jobs that a business process may be composed of are visible and manageable from the platform, we resort to the concept of Tasks. A task is the concept we use in KuFlow to model a process in simpler fragments and provide interaction and feedback to the process stakeholders.

Definition of tasks

From the edit page of a process definition, we can manage the tasks of the process. A process can have as many tasks as necessary.

We must configure the following information:

  • Name (Required)

    • Visual label that will help you identify your task definition when managing it in the app.
  • Code (Required)

    • Identifier. It is unique among all tasks definitions in the process.
  • Description (Optional)

    • Descriptive text of the contents of the task definition.
  • Structure data (Required)

    • An associated data structure defined in the process.
  • Assisted robot (Optional)

    • If you are modeling a human task that is assisted by a KuBot, you should select it here.
    • Assisted robot operation (Required)
      • In case you have selected an assisted robot, choose the desired operation of the robot here.
    • Start robot execution automatically if task is claimed (Optional)
      • It does not wait for the user to explicitly invoke the robot execution.
    • Automatic completion if the robot finishes successfully
      • If the robot finishes successfully, it completes the task without waiting for the user to do so explicitly.
  • Permissions (Required)

    • You must configure the permissions according to your needs by assigning them to the appropriate users, groups or applications.
      • Candidate: Can completing the task.
      • Viewer: Can view the task.
  • Structure data preview (View only)

    • Renders a preview of the selected data structure

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