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Save task element principal

The save-element-principal command allows you to save an element of type PRINCIPAL to the specified task. You must provide the identifier of the principal.


-t, --task-id

Show the command line help. Required

-e, --element-code

Show the command line help. Required


Mark element value/s as valid. Is only supported for all element values, not individual values. True by default.



List of values in format 'PrincipalType=Value' where PrincipalType is a valid type and Value is a UUID.

It can be multievaluated if the element supports it.


# Simple PRINCIPAL value
kuflowctl save-element-principal --task-id=a1c13ed9-b6d7-444d-afc8-60dcaf454649 --element-code=MY_CODE USER=1c13ed9-b6d7-444d-afc8-60dcaf454649

# Multiple PRINCIPAL values
kuflowctl save-element-principal --task-id=a1c13ed9-b6d7-444d-afc8-60dcaf454649 --element-code=MY_CODE USER=1c13ed9-b6d7-444d-afc8-60dcaf454649 APPLICATION=1c13ed9-b6d7-444d-afc8-60dcaf454649

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