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Process permissions

When defining a process in KuFlow we have several types of permissions that we can configure.

For all permissions types listed below, you can select a person selecting a specific User.

You can also configure a group of candidate persons by selecting a specific Group, avoiding having to list the persons individually. If you don't have any groups created, you can always create as many as you want in the "Groups" menu.

Likewise, you may want to define that the person assigned to the permissions would be an external system, in this case, you must choose the Application that represents this system.

Also, you can select users that have a specific Role in the process that is running, by now you can choose the following:

  • Process Initiator: User initiating the process.

You can list as many candidates as you wish. You can also combine users, groups, applications and roles as you wish.


Grants the permission to instantiate the process to the different actors to whom it is granted. It is necessary to have at least one actor with Initiator permission to be able to publish the process, otherwise it would be impossible to instantiate. This means that it is not shown in the process list in the "Start process" action of the application or in the case of instantiating it via API, it would result in an erroneous request.

Therefore, if we want the process to be instantiated from the KuFlow application it is necessary to choose a User or Group and assign this permission. It is also possible to instantiate a process via API, for this it is necessary to grant this permission to an Application.


Actors with this permission will be able to access the menus "Process Management " and "Task Management". From these menus the users will be able to make queries about the instances of the processes and their tasks. This role only grants read access to these instances.


Actors with this permission will be able to access the menus "Process Management " and "Task Management". From these menus users will be able to make queries about the instances of processes and their tasks that have been created in KuFlow. Also, a user with these permissions can perform modifying actions such as canceling a process.


Actors with this permission will be able to perform administrative tasks on the process definition. These tasks include actions such as modifying, publishing or archiving a process definition.

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