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Structure data

Defining normalized data models is crucial in business processes to ensure data efficiency, integrity, and reliability. A normalized data model is a structured and logical organization that eliminates redundancy and optimizes storage. Furthermore, with standardized structures, the mechanisms for presenting information to users are shown in a unified and homogeneous manner.

But from the point of view of workflow orchestration, the most important advantage and sine qua non is to favor the interaction between human users and machines in the resolution of a job. The free will of information needs to be modeled when automatisms that interact with it are needed.

In KuFlow, the creation of these information items is facilitated by defining “Structure data”.

Structure data


A data structure in KuFlow is a normalized metamodel of information that is defined using the Json Schema specification (via a custom JSON Forms specification) and that allows the manipulation of the instantiated model through different input or output mechanisms such as HTML forms or Rest APIs.

Data structures are pieces that are defined within a process and that can be referenced by different items within the definition of a process such as Tasks. The most common case is the definition of a data structure for the collection of information through a form that is presented to the user in the definition of a human task.

For example, let's imagine a process whose purpose is to register a user in a system. Probably in the definition of this process, a human task is defined that is assigned to a user who must enter data such as name, address or telephone number. In this case the process administrator will define a data structure with a Json Forms that models this form. Subsequently, the KuFlow App will render this schema as a form that allows said data to be entered.

The use of structures in tasks is optional and is independent of whether the task handler is a human user or a system. Likewise, data structures can be used in other items belonging to the process.

To learn more about defining the normalized data model using Json Forms, go to the Structure data section in the Cloud App

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