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Welcome to the October 2023! 🍻 release of KuFlow.

This month, two new features have been added that you may find interesting:

  1. Process scheduler
  2. Deletion of process instances

Process scheduler ⏱

Until now, there have been two ways of requesting the execution of a process, either via the application's graphical interface or via the Rest API. Usually, the first is intended for human users and the second for applications and services that integrate with KuFlow. The result of both is the instantiation of a process.

In this version, a new way has been introduced that allows processes to be instantiated in an unattended way. To do this, in the process configuration section, you will find a "Scheduler" section that allows you to establish a regular expression or pause an existing one, which governs the scheduled execution of new processes. So, for example, if the process manager wants a new process to start every two days at 12 o'clock, the following configuration should be entered.

In this first version, the scheduling mechanism takes into account two characteristics:

  1. It will not start another process if there is a previous process started by the scheduler that has not finished.
  2. The previous limit does not affect instances started through the classical way (API or Web Interface).

More information and interesting links:

Deletion of process instances 🪓

Sometimes you may need to delete all processes that have been started for a particular process definition. For this purpose, a new action has been implemented in the administrative part of the application that allows you to delete all instances, and therefore all data, of a given process definition.

Note that this action is irreversible. Once required, the deletion process has no way back, and all data belonging to the instances of the process are permanently removed from our systems. This involves all existing information in the process tasks, such as forms and documents.

More information and interesting links:

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